43AX05 Gregtested and seems like working ok
43AX05 Gregthe text history is shown above
43AX05 Gregthe history refreshes above after you exit page and return
43AX05 Greg Portarlingtonso looks like the work was worth getting it going then
43AX05 Greg Portarlingtonnow need some people to talk on here to see if the text entry box will hold a decent size text messa
43AX05 Greg PortarlingtonOK - a couple of lines
ax05Still working?
43AX05 GregLooking good - it is working!!
CB Op.From my mobile hello cqdx11
CB Op.Hey anyone seen this yet
43AX05Works well on my phone Does it work for you?
SP484.This seems to work well
43AX05 GregSometimes this gets blocked by different web browsers
43AX05 GregBut it seems my Desktop PC using Google CHROME Browser works!
43AX05 GregSo if this is not letting you enter your Callsign to login it is probably your Web Browser!
KZX581Are there any CPI 2000's for sale? Or is this just an information sight?
43AX05Hi KZX581 - thanks for calling in
43AX05For CPI 2000's for sale try https://AllRadioSales.com
43AX05or https://facebook.com/groups/AllRadioSales
43ax05 GregAny cb dx skip out there today...
oooogdm fineWednesday Dua Physical
Dua Physical!!!
CB Op.43AX05Looks like this works ok on mobile phones pretty well . To bad there is no skip to report about.
CB Op.43AX05You just have to zoom the page up to see it ok thats all. Be great to see some action in here.
doesthisthingworkare these messages from like 5 years ago..
doesthisthingworktyping this may 27 2020... skip has been decent lately actually. cycle is picking up. dunno if this
CB Op.Hello this is from Jan 10th 2021, whoever sees this message wish you all have a good day :)
null20/1/2021 all OK
43AX05CQDX - anyone out there today 02/02/2021
43AX05 Adminjust wondering if anyone sees the value in this CHAT BOX?? Should I delete it or KEEP IT??
43AX05 AdminWas supposed to keep DX Skip updates on the day alerts.
43AX05 AdminSeems Facebook has taken over but maybe one day they will shut down - LOL
CB Op.Looking for 96 in the sticks 023 nigel nz mobile
CB Op.Hello Australia
CB Op.Can andy one helo me please
43AX05looks like this CHAT is still working! SAY HELLO ON HERE GUY'S WITH YOUR OWN CALLSIGN !!
13HN1018CQ JS8Call 27,245
CB Op.test-14-04-201-17.21 Hrs.
43AX05 Greg May 04 2021Just checking in to see if anyone is looking at this channel??
43AX05 Greg May 04 2021Hello CQDX..
txmantexas usa
txmancdt 7:42 pm
txmancqdx txman
nullhejsan. ha det bra mandag. Hälsningar ifran Estland. de SA0AYH / ES6
nulland yes, Keep this chatbox. Even at irc the people are atleast 10 years idle before abandoning it.
nullkeep it working. especially with oldfashioned browsers. no need for the modernhypedype
13dx11112021-07-17 ...
nullAny1 out there?
PythonAny1 out there?
JeffIs there a place to listen to CB radio frequencies online?
CB Op.yup https://allradiosales.com has frequencies
43AX05 GregSearch CQDX11 on YouTube for three years of eight hours every day on cb channel 35 and 38 LSB 27.355
43AX05 GregRX from Melbourne Victoria Australia Dual DDRR cophased antenna system on this site info.
CB Op. 43AX05 Greg just testing on mobile phone - good DX guysTesting the text to see if working on mobile phone
43AX05 GregHi everyone, doing some upgrades on the website lately. ANYONE CARE TO COMMENT???
43AX05 GregHello I hear Daughter has just arrived from driving for a week from up nth 2500 miles
43AX05 GregCaught in flooded Tarooma for days and lost in Brisbane & Sydney LOL
43AX05 GregBut she made it in crapbox mitsubishi sedan OK!
43AX05 Greghot DX today but could not get any one to come back to me.
43AX05 GregBloody radio was just locking the TX on full so not sure if radio or mic
43AX05 Gregwill sort it out soon hopefully.
CQDXTest from The Netherlands
34EL01hy there
43AX05 Greg34EL01 - gday mate from DownUnder - Any DX at your QTH?
43AX05 GregTesting from my mobile cellphone - hope you're having great DX!!
TESTtrying to add date
Today is 2022-03-29TESTTESTING
2022-03-29 - 43AX05 Gregthis may work
2022-03-29 - 43AX05OK looks like we have a added DATE function now - give it a try!!
2022-03-29 - 43AX05well the trouble was worth it
2022-03-31 - 43AX05 GregHi all, any DX at your place?
2022-03-31 - WR484 GregPleased to get a QSO today with 2311 Seattle 5/5 - my first US contact since moving to new location.
2022-03-31 - WR484 GregGreat skip conditions today 240 Craig in West Australia 3K miles west of me.
2022-03-31 - WR484 GregQSO with a few N.Z. contacts 3k miles east also.
2022-03-31 - WR484 GregYesterday heard Paul on Mt. Dissapointment in the mud which was surprising from my location.
2022-03-31 - WR484 GregHAVE TO CHANGE THE 100 Character LIMIT to 200
2022-03-31 - nullteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2022-03-31 - null200 characters now available
2022-03-31 - CallSign - NameTHIS is what happens if you dont Type your Callsign and Name
2022-03-31 - nulltesting
2022-03-31 - 43AX05 - Gregnot sure if this chatbox is worth the coding trouble as many of you dont use it so SAY G'DAY!!
2022-03-31 - Callsign - Nametesting CHATBOX on https://alphaxray.info
2022-04-01 - 43AX05 - GregHey this is working so tell us your DX contacts
2022-04-01 - 43AX05 - GregListening to Jakarta on 33 USB
2022-04-01 - 43AX05 - Greg51SD650 was very strong into my qth in Vic
2022-04-03 - Callsign - Nameenter your qth
2022-04-04 - WR484 GregLot of action on band today from USA and New Zealand
2022-04-07 - 43AX05 GregHey guys add your DX contacts in here - if it gets busy in here I will add UTC Time to posts.
2022-04-07 - Callsign - Nametesting embed
2022-04-07 - Callsign - Nametest in members.alphaxray.info
2022-04-07 - Callsign - Nametesting still
2022-04-07 - Callsign - Nametesting still
2022-04-13 - 43AX05 GregJust RXing on 40 LSB Paul 43 WR 153 Mt Disappointment Melbourne Australia in QSO with Danny WR near Grand Canyon USA
2022-04-13 - 43AX05 GregBand is wide open from US to Australia again today
2022-04-13 - 43AX05 GregRecently QSO contact with 69CA001 Luise in Costa Rica Sth America 4/7 on 22 Apr 2022 from Australia
2022-04-16 - 43AX05 GregCan hear Paul 43WR153 again from Mt. Disappointment probably 200 Klms away from me in Nth Eastern Vic on the Hume Weir.
2022-04-16 - 43AX05 GregHAPPY EASTER DX to all CB operators
2022-05-01 - 43AX05 GregDX stillstrong today across Australia
2022-05-02 - 43AX05Testing out with entry into my mobile phone
2022-05-12 - 43AX05 Greg Is the DX still hot at your QTH ?? - Let us know.....
2022-05-12 - KE8UPF steveHello everyone
2022-05-12 - 43AX05 Greg Hi Steve - hows conditions at your qth on 10m
2022-05-12 - 43AX05 GregI need to have this open and dedicated on one of my old laptops if many get on here.
2022-05-24 - AX2272Aaa
2022-05-26 - case63hello world
2022-05-26 - case63got no idea to what i am doing here
2022-06-12 - nullHello how is the skip at your place?
2022-06-12 - nullInn
2022-07-07 - 2WorldRadio2600Hello from Florida USA
2022-07-16 - 43AX05 Greg2WR2600 - Hello back from Australia - On the border of Victoria and New South Wales here on Hume Dam
2022-07-16 - 43AX05 Greg43AX2272 - great to see you in here Daniel
2022-07-16 - 43AX05 GregGotta do some work on this soon to make it better - Any suggestions???
2022-07-17 - 43AX05 GregNo suggestions yet
2022-07-27 - 43AX05 Greganyone alive out there?
2022-07-28 - nullhello test
2022-07-28 - Callsign - Nametesting without call
2022-07-30 - 43AX05 GregOK - no one bothered to test but I will keep on keeping on....
2022-08-02 - 43AX05 GregStill no one out there responding....
2022-09-28 - 43AX05 GregWell working on getting this website to be more useable - anyone getting any DX skip??
2022-10-04 - 43AX05 Greg7 September at 14:57 43AX05 / WR484 Greg Watergate @15:30 - QSO 69CA001 Luis - 19:30 - 20:40 - 21:21 NB909 responds! So my six foot Mobile Whip makes it to Nth & Sth Americas
2022-10-04 - 43AX05 Greg within minutes to 69CA001 & NeedleBender Ninezeronine gate. Tony Ninezeronine was live in CB Radio Cowtown Roundup.
2022-10-04 - 43AX05 Greglive in CB Radio Cowtown Roundup. https://www.facebook.com/100080497406278/videos/658974562243045/ 7 September at 11:36
2022-10-04 - 43AX05 GregT est
2022-10-22 - Callsign - NameSTILL WORKINGBUT NO-ONE ON
2022-11-17 - Callsign - NameHi everyone any dx.?
2022-11-24 - 43AX05 Greg Hume DamLooks like this is still working
2022-11-24 - 43AX05 Greg Hume DamJust heard 69CA001 Luis in Costa Rica from my QTH in Australia
2022-11-24 - nullWooHoo
2022-11-27 - 43WR484 Greglooks like I have successfully integrated this CHAT into https://CQDX11.net/cqdx11-com-cb-radio-live-chat-pages - CHECK IT OUT!
2022-11-27 - nulltesting
2022-11-27 - Callsign - Namehello another test on side bar - makes a callsign login on every page
2022-11-27 - Callsign - Namefred
2022-11-27 - Callsign - NameHi FRED
2022-11-27 - 43WR484 GregHey guys is this working OK??
2022-11-27 - AHi all from 43 AX 493 /VK4FABQ Gerard 73s all
2022-11-29 - 43AX05 GregHi Gerard, 43AX493 thanks for posting in the live CHATBOX mate!
2022-11-29 - 43AX05 GregPretty disappointing response to the requests for some testers to try this.... :-(
2022-11-30 - WR484 GregBit quiet here but not on 11m today!
2023-02-25 - KDM4912 Danhello
2023-02-26 - Callsign - Namehello testing
2023-03-18 - 43AX05 - GregLots of New Zealand into Australia!!
2023-06-29 - 43AX05 GregUnfortunately not many know about or use this CHATBOX!
2023-06-29 - 43AX05 GregWoulb great to see some action on latest DX contacts YOU made.
2023-08-11 - Callsign - Namehi
2023-08-11 - Callsign - NameHello<
2024-04-08 - Callsign - Namewell this is interesting -seems to worl in index.php??
2024-04-08 - Callsign - Namefjzxfjjyyjxyj
2024-04-08 - Callsign - Nametesting - seems ok?
2024-04-08 - Callsign - Namehttps://cqdx11.com/chat/ seems to work also
2024-04-08 - 43AX05 Greg Creator/ownerHad forgotten I had created these pages and found again by chance
43AX05 Greglooks like top CALLSIGN - NAME BOX may need a page refresh to work properly for you to enter your Callsign & Name
43AX05 GregIf you find when you go to this page it dissapears before you can enter your Callsign & Name you wont be able to TYPE INTO THE CHATBOX at bottom of the page.
43AX05 GregGot to fix this to make easier to use as a bit confusing in layout - BUT IT DOES WORK!! So go for it....
nullThis is 43AX05 - 43WR484 using this to test - needs this box to show on screen instead of needing to scroll down
nullWill get round to fixing sometime..... lol
Callsign - Namehello whats new?
43AX05 Greghey guys hows the DX at your QTH? Bit quiet here on the Hume Weir where I live today
43AX05 Gregit is always better if you put your Callsign and Name in the box when pops up on the top of this page
43AX05 GregGive it a try!
Callsign - Name2025/Feb3 bit quiet in here guys, give it a go!