CPI Digicom 100 looks like the forerunner to the CPI300
/400 Range -
Photo supplied by Allan, another of us inflicted with the

Hi Glad to see you added the photo of the
Digicom to your site I have just received a file of
the scematics for the radio "DIGICOM-100" now that
leaves finding a original or copy of an original
owners manual, if I can be of help let me know and if
you find anything let me know plus I have created two
groups one on Yahoo and one on MSN both are same name
and you have to go to each to join one or the other in
other words go to yahoo to join yahoo group and go to
msn to join msn group. The groups will mainly cover
Siltronix 1011 series but will also cover other fine
radios and give tips, help, and just learn from each
member and have fun and post photos. they are as
CPI will even be covered as members post such
information we hope so join and pass this url
information around thanks.
Your Friend, Allan
Guy's the LIVE CHAT PAGE is there to
make immediate contacts after
entering your callsign and location only.
So it is quick and easy
to make contacts with anyone else on there monitoring the
chat page.
The idea is to open it
in your browser and leave it open all the time so you
can see who is dropping in just like you have to monitor a
frequency for DX!
