CP2000B Specifications 
General Channels: 40 Freq. range: 26.965 to 27.405
Freq. control: digital synthesizer (PLL).
Stability: .0005% over temp. range.
Lock time: less than one second.
Temperature range: -30C to +60 C.
Operating voltage: AC= 105-130 VAC, 60 Hz. DC= 13.6
VDC nom,
1 1.0 VDC min, 15.5 VDC max. Size- 15.75" wide,
3.5" high, 12.0" deep
Transmitter RF Power Out- SSB: 12W PEP AM: 4W
Spurious: Harmonic: -70db.
Other spurious: -70db, min. below. mean power.
Intermod: Third order: -30db.
Fifth order: -40db below mean power.
ALC: Range greater than 30db.
Mismatch Tolerance: Infinite VSWR at all phase
Mic. Connector: Standard 4 pin type.
Receiver Receiver Type: Single conversion
At +10db S+N/'N: SSB: 0.25uV (-119dbm). AM: 0.5uV
(-l 13dbm).
Adjacent Channel Rejection: -80db.
Ultimate I-F rejection: -100db.
In-band Spurious: Greater than 70db down.

Image & I-F Rejection: -70db.
Cross Modulation: -85db.
Inter Modulation: -85db.
Clarifier Range: - 1.5 KHz.
Receiver Audio: Total harmonic distortion less than
3% at rated 4W audio out.
AGC: Less than l0db audio increase at inputs from
l.OuV (-107dbm) to O.lV (-7dbm).