The leaders in a new classs of Mobile CB Transceivers
CP-180/CP-300 and CP-400 Features:
A two-dial synthesizer that makes channel selection fast and
Easily read back- lighted dials are highly visible in bright sun or
Highly stable (-- 100 Hz) crystal oscillators de- liver superior
single-sideband and AM per- formance.
One 3-position control knob for both SSB (LSB and USB) and AM.
Advanced technology RF pre-amp gives op- timum db boost with
exceptionally low 1.5db noise figure (same as our Range Plus, a S9.95 accessory).
Exclusive CPI tuned RF-type noise blanket is a built-in standard, not
an 'extra'.
High power JFET mixer virtually wipes out cross/inter modulation.
The best, most effective squelch available.
Automatic receiver RF gain control uses a PIN diode attenuator for
unequalled strong signal performance.
Full-range clarifier for spot-on SSB tuning.
Built-in logarithmic speech compressor pro- vides super-strong
average talk power with no flat-topping or Illegal splattering (bleed over).
Meets all new FCC modulation regulations.
Heavy-duty output RF transistor is emitter bal- lasted to safely
withstand infinitive VSWR.
PA module Is removable for easy service. Total solid-state
switching-no relays.
8-pole crystal fliter (- 80db adjacent channel rejection) on both AM
and SSB is an unequalled industry first.
Transmitter Automatic Level Control (ALC) as- sures full modulation
of varying speech levels. Received signal strength and RF power out Indicated on one fully
graduated, dual- scale meter.
Superior, built-for-CPI, TURNER microphone has built-in pre-amp with
fingertip manual gain control operation. Lots of real talk power. Wide response 4,"
communications speaker with ceramic magnet puts out crisp, clear audio. 13.8 VDC mobile
operation (115 VAC power supply is available for base operation-see below). Positive or
negative ground. Reverse polarity protection. High quality industrial-grade switches for
long-life reliability. Truly professional-styled steel and aluminum case Is rugged,
attractive and functional. Key-lock security mounting bracket comes standard with every
transceiver. No-hassle disconnect from bracket allows easy changeover from mobile
operation to base station application. 100% American made.
General Channels: CP-180 = 18, CP-300 = 23, CP-400-40.
A working partner." The CPI pedestal-type AC adapter quickly
converts any CP-300 or CP-400 into an ex- ceptional base station. The sturdy, all-metal
base is perfectly matched to the trans- ceiver nd includes it,s own top-quality full-range
3' x 5" front-mounted speaker This avoids audio resonances which occur from
attempting to fiont-vent bottom- mounted radio speakers. The built-in electronically
regulated power supply gives 13.6VDC at 5 amperes with 115VAC input. The unit features
short circuit and line fuse protection and comes with line cord/plug. This stylish base
adapter and transceiver combination will fit most every room decor
Anti-ripoff standard equipment." his exclusive CPI-designed mobile
mounting bracket is easy to install and secures the CP-300 or CP-400 with just a turn of
the key. When unlocked, the bracket swings away for easy removal of the radio. $19.95