Midland 13-885 CB Base
Midland 13-885 Classic Status: Early 70’s 23 channel SSB Base. Appeal: My original first SSB Base. Condition: Cosmetic: Good. Electrical: Good Acquired: Original, 1976 trade. This is my Midland 13-885,…
CB Radio | Citizens Band Radio
CB RADIO Citizens Band legal channels, Freeband CB Communications for CB Radio Operators Worldwide
Midland 13-885 Classic Status: Early 70’s 23 channel SSB Base. Appeal: My original first SSB Base. Condition: Cosmetic: Good. Electrical: Good Acquired: Original, 1976 trade. This is my Midland 13-885,…
CPI – “The leaders in a whole new class of CB transceivers.” The catch phrase of the CPI CB Radio Manufacturing company in the 1970’s. These superlative CB Radio products…
Marine Radiotelephony transmissions including 27Mhz for distress, urgency, safety and calling communications As published by the Australian Goverment. Column 1Item Column 2Frequency(Channel number) Column 3Maximum transmitter output power Column 4Stations…
CQ DX – CQ DX – Contact us on the 11m Band if the DX is running to Melbourne Australia on CB CH# 35 CB Frequency 27.355 LSB The Table…